Dust Jacket Journeys

Selected date

Sunday March 9

CLICK HERE for other dates...
Selected time

2:00 PM  –  3:00 PM


The Gamble House Book Club March 9 featured book:
The Great Transition by Nick Fuller Goggins


FREE – RSVP requested


Join us for our book club, Dust Jacket Journeys, where we invite you to explore perspectives around architecture, art, identity, and place. A quarterly selection of books will inspire thoughtful discussions and insights. We look forward to a sharing a literary journey to new perspectives and new understandings one book at a time.


Purchase The Great Transition at shop.gamblehouse.org and receive a 20% off coupon for the featured book. Books available at https://shop.gamblehouse.org/collections/dust-jacket-journeys



Upcoming book club events:

Sunday, April 13 - Braiding Sweetgrass

Click here to RSVP

