A Celebration of Electricity

Selected date

Saturday June 15

Selected time

7:00 PM  –  9:00 PM

A Celebration of Electricity at The Gamble House

Saturday, June 15, 2024, from 7:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m.

$25 Members | $30 Non-members

National Electricity Day is recognized on June 15th each year, commemorating the date in 1752 when Benjamin Franklin conducted his kite experiment in a lightning storm. Constructed in 1908-1909, The Gamble House was built as a fully electrified house at a time of transition from gas to electricity. Join us for an unforgettable evening exploring the electrification of the house on a special evening tour that will include a demonstration and history of the Theremin, the first electronic instrument invented in 1917.

