PRESERVATION IN PRACTICE: Sustainable Heroic Measures – Conservation At The Gamble House Roofline

Selected date

Saturday August 5

Selected time

10:00 AM  –  12:00 PM

Sidney D. Gamble Lecture Series
A three-part lecture series featuring conversations about historic preservation at the Gamble House, and throughout greater Los Angeles.


Presentation by John Griswold
Saturday, August 5, 2023 | 10:00 a.m.
Meet and greet to follow the presentation

at the Pasadena Museum of History
(470 W. Walnut St., Pasadena, CA 91103)

Tickets: $10 Members | $20 Non-Members

Conservator John Griswold will talk about the conservation work he recently completed on the Gamble House’s third-floor roof features including the house’s iconic rafter tails, barge boards, and beam ends. John did similar work for us twenty years ago, and has fascinating then-and-now observations to share that will inform future care of the house.

John Griswold holds an advanced degree in conservation research from Queen’s University. Specializing in sculpture, objects and architectural materials, he has written and lectured extensively, has co-curated museum exhibitions related to scientific advances in conservation, and has developed innovative treatment approaches for a variety of historic materials. John co-founded Griswold Conservation Associates, LLC in 1998, and in the same year began a decades long relationship with the Gamble House, guiding preservation and conservation efforts. Now fully occupied as the Head of Conservation and Installations at the Norton Simon Museum, he still finds time to help ensure such efforts can continue.


